
Our mission is simple - create the breeding ground for a new American Evolution. The 2-party system has all but destroyed our beautiful country. It is not known how much longer we can endure partisan bickering and loggerheads at legislative success. We seek to introduce independent candidates at entry-level offices, who will gather a solid reputation to eventually inherit new responsibilities in new offices. Eventually, partisans will be phased out. Then, true progress can occur.

Bridgebuilders of Mackinac

We teach our candidates how to run a proper campaign that maximizes time and money. We support our candidates from petitions until post-inauguration. We hold our candidates accountable even after they are victorious.
About us

Building a bridge between the candidates and the voters

Bridgebuilders of Mackinac is a brand new non-profit political consulting company, designed to recruit, aid, and assist independent candidates to run and win elected office in local, state, and federal elections.

Our founder, Andrew Stempki, has an extensive background in local, state, and federal elections. He specializes in a superb ground game and core messaging.

For far too long, our political process has been muddied by party politics. In fact, our entire electoral system and government is failing the American people. Our country’s problems are increasing and expanding, partly because of partisan rhetoric. The future of our country must rest in the power of independent citizens who perform their duties with a judicial eye and ear. Not regurgitating the party line.


We use traditional as well as modern methods

We believe in people, integrity, democracy, and productive conversation. With the right training and opportunity, we believe we can get the best out of people. We are a national grassroots consulting company focused on surveying and gathering data on the backbone and voice of America: the voter. Our work is exceptional, our employees are well trained and polished, and our speed and professionalism stands unmatched. Are you ready to find out what American voters are thinking.

Why you should trust us

When we handle your campaign and general publicity, you can be sure that it will be successful. This is because we have an excellent track record and our entire team – from the president to the newest recruit, is focused on the main goal of ensuring that your campaign is a success.

At Bridgebuilders of Mackinac, there are experts assigned to every aspect that will make your campaign successful. We specialize in political consulting, campaign management, and political strategizing.