About Us

about us

Political consulting: campaign management and strategy

Bridgebuilders of Mackinac is a brand new non-profit political consulting company, designed to recruit, aid, and assist independent candidates to run and win elected office in local, state, and federal elections.

Our founder, Andrew Stempki, has an extensive background in local, state, and federal elections. He specializes in a superb ground game and core messaging.

For far too long, our political process has been muddied by party politics. In fact, our entire electoral system and government is failing the American people. Our country’s problems are increasing and expanding, partly because of partisan rhetoric. The future of our country must rest in the power of independent citizens who perform their duties with a judicial eye and ear. Not regurgitating the party line.

We teach our candidates how to run a proper campaign that maximizes time and money. We support our candidates from petitions until post-inauguration. We hold our candidates accountable even after they are victorious.

Cost of a Campaign

As with any campaign, there can be significant costs. Bridgebuilders seeks to keep costs at a minimum. Potential clients can be assured that they are receiving the most arduous support and lowest cost possible. We will work with any budget and any candidate – as long as they are steadfast in their independence.